Una de las cosas que hace emocionante dirigirlo en combate, es que suele enfrentarse a ejércitos de un tamaño similar, por lo que las batallas adquieren unas dimensiones titánicas, donde las grandes formaciones blindadas permiten golpear con fuerza las líneas enemigas.
Entre sus vehículos se encuentran numerosas conversiones y vehículos hechos desde cero, siempre sorprendentes para los comandantes enemigos.
En total se compone (a día de hoy, puesto que siempre está en contínua expansión) de:
- 150 Miniaturas a pie
- 47 Vehículos (incluyendo carros de combate, tanques super-pesados, transportes blindados, aeronaves, vehículos ligeros y de apoyo logístico).
This week I made a complete deployment of my Imperial Guard army, the glorious regiments of Kriegstadt, to take some photos and a complete list of troops. This is a really huge army, almost entirely motorized and armored, inspired in German Panzer Divisions of WWII.
One of the things that makes it exciting to command in battle, is that usually faces armies of similar size, so that, battles acquire titanic dimensions where large armored formations hits enemy lines.
Among the vehicles, there are numerous conversions and scratchbuilt vehicles, always surprising to enemy commanders.
In total it consists (today, since it is always in continuous expansion) of:
- 150 Miniatures
- 47 Vehicles (including tanks, super-heavy tanks, armored personnel carriers, aircraft, light vehicles and logistic support).
What is that cool flyer model in the seventh picture? It looks a little like a Star Wars Snow Speeder.
ResponderEliminarThat's from the british maker "Old Crow". As you say, looks very similar to a Snow Speeder. It exists in two variants, one unarmed and the other with two cannons.