Se me ocurrió hacer un vehículo civil futurista pero de aspecto robusto y sencillo, que pudiese ser utilizado por cualquier explorador para recorrer las dunas en algún mundo desértico o los barrizales de las más lluviosas junglas.

Es un curioso coche con seis pequeñas ruedas y unas alas desplegables. El mío estaba en un estado deplorable y medio roto, perfecto para transformarlo en algo útil sin ningún remordimiento por modificar este juguete clásico.

I had the idea of making a futuristic civilian vehicle but with robust and simple appearance, which could be used by any explorer to travel across the dunes of a desert world or the muddy wettest jungles.
I bought on eBay a batch of various toys including this futuristic vehicle made by Matchbox, from his series "Adventure 2000", built in 1977, called K-2002 Flight Hunter.
It is a curious car with six small wheels and a pair of deployable wings. Mine was in a deplorable condition and partially broken, perfect to transform it into something useful without any remorse about modify this classic toy.
Construcción / Construction:

Se sustituyeron las ruedas por unas más grandes, procedentes de un coche de juguete chino, se le taparon los huecos con cartulina y se añadieron elementos como faros delanteros, latas de combustible y herramientas.
- Firstly the vehicle was disassembled, and unnecessary elements were removed (and stored for use in other projects). Dissaembling it was complicated because this car is made of metal and riveted, so that required a drill and patience.
The wheels were replaced by larger ones, from a Chinese toy car, the holes left by removed parts were filled with cardboard and elements like headlights, fuel cans and tools were added.
Modelo terminado / Finished model:
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