En este caso fue realmente fácil. Bastó con comprar este UAV de juguete, y pintarlo para poder dotar de esta aeronave no tripulada a mis tropas. Ni siquiera fue necesario llevar a cabo transformaciones.
Más adelante tendré que desarrollar unas reglas adecuadas para usarlo en las partidas, tiene muchas posibilidades, y está armado con siete misiles (seis en las alas y uno en el centro) por lo que puede ser la pesadilla de muchas unidades enemigas, sin necesidad de arriesgar la vida del piloto.
El modelo es el SB94 Drone, fabricado por Matchbox / Hot Wheels. Es un modelo muy asequible (apenas me costó 4,5 €uros)
One of the most satisfying aspects of modelling is to find useful things everywhere.
In this case it was really easy. Purchasing this toy UAV , and painting it was enough to provide this unmanned aircraft to my troops. It was not even necessary to make any conversion.
In this case it was really easy. Purchasing this toy UAV , and painting it was enough to provide this unmanned aircraft to my troops. It was not even necessary to make any conversion.
Later I will have to develop adequate rules for use in wargames, it has many possibilities, and is armed with seven missiles (six under the wings and one in the middle) so it can be the nightmare of many enemy units without risking the life of the pilot.
The model is the SB94 Drone, made by Matchbox / Hot Wheels. It's a very affordable model (just cost me 4.5 €uros -about 6 USD-)
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